HoverPro Floating technology
We are your trusted gutter installer in Cincinnati, Ohio, area.

Continuous Hanger™ with
Built-in Gutter Guard
HoverPro™ is a dual-action gutter protection system. It is built to stand up to the worst weather conditions in America and keep your gutter free of ice and debris year after year.

Continuous Hanger™ for
Floating & Hemmed Back Gutters
Hover™ is the improved continuous fastening system that allows to suspend gutters instead of screwing them as result gutters are kept strong from end to end like any of our other Continuous Hangers.
Install with proven, cutting-edge technology
With the Floating Technology™, gutters can be suspended from the building fascia without even puncturing them. As a result, they maintain integrity and are free to change shapes.

Continuous Hanger Explained
You may not know that gutters used to be installed with nails or invisible hangers at 24-inch intervals. These systems were relatively strong, but left long stretches of aluminum gutter at the mercy of snow and ice. They also left the silicone sealant at the corners vulnerable to damage from the sun. That’s why gutters are now installed with continuous hanger™ systems that strengthen and seal. It’s like having hundreds of fasteners along the gutter, all riddled with holes to allow water to drain.

With a continuous Hanger™, the rain gutters are reinforced along their entire length.